Speculative Volunteer Interest


At Selfhood, we embrace the transformative power of collective action, believing that gender liberation becomes a reality only when all voices unite. Join us in a movement-first approach, where individual voices harmonize to pioneer a path towards freedom for all genders.

While we may not have a specific role advertised at this moment, Selfhood is always on the lookout for passionate individuals eager to contribute to our mission. There is a constant stream of meaningful work to be done, and your unique skills and perspectives could be the catalyst for positive change.

Whether you're drawn to content creation, event planning, social media, or have a vision for a role yet uncharted, we want to hear from you. Reach out, let us know how you can, and would like to help shape a future where equality, liberation, and empowerment thrive.

At Selfhood, every voice matters, and your commitment could be the key to making a lasting impact. Join us in the journey towards a world that celebrates diversity and champions everyone's selfhood.

We are seeking people of all genders, ages, backgrounds, and abilities who are keen to help us shape the future of our movement, network, and organisation.

We recognise that feminist spaces and opportunities are often full of white women. We are looking for people of all backgrounds with voices that are under-represented in this sector, specifically gender non-conforming individuals, men, trans people, and people of colour.

Currently, we are only accepting applications from individuals eighteen years of age or older.

Apply for this role