How we work

Making systemic change


Gender identity discrimination is a systemic issue that demands collective action. Deeply entrenched gender norms and systemic inequalities hinder the realisation of genuine gender liberation. These dynamics display a clear power imbalance where certain groups, predominantly women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and gender-diverse communities, find themselves at the mercy of overarching systems and institutions. 

Wherever you are –  at home, in schools, at work – you have the power to transform and challenge oppressive systems and norms. We offer training and support to people to become agents of change for gender liberation, alongside delivering hard-hitting campaigns.

Shared leadership approach


Selfhood operates as a grassroots collective with a shared leadership team. We operate on a shoestring budget powered by dedicated volunteers.

We aim to revolutionise capitalist systems by working in a collective and broadly non-hierarchical way.