Who we are

Who we are

Selfhood is an organisation and a movement campaigning to end gender identity discrimination. As an unregistered charity in the UK, we operate with the same dedication to charitable purposes and compliance with charity law as registered entities. In the UK, organisations are able to be charitable whether you are registered or not, as long as you have exclusively charitable purposes and comply with charity law. We are fundraising for our work and to pursue registering as a charity. But in the meantime, transparency in governance and financial management is paramount to us.


Selfhood operates with a shared leadership model as outlined in our organisational constitution. We believe in inclusive feminist leadership, where decision-making power is equally distributed among our leadership team. This collective approach ensures that our actions and strategies are shaped by diverse perspectives and a commitment to equality.

Financial management 

100% of our funds are managed through Open Collective, a third-party platform that holds and accounts for every transaction. Despite operating on a shoestring budget for the past three years, we have consistently demonstrated financial transparency and accountability. We are currently fundraising to launch targeted campaigns aimed at ending gender identity discrimination. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about our initiatives and progress.

Shared Leadership Approach 

As a grassroots collective, Selfhood is driven by the dedication of activists and volunteers and operates with a shared leadership team. Our aim is to revolutionise capitalist systems by working collectively and in a broadly non-hierarchical manner. This approach not only reflects our values but also enhances our effectiveness in driving systemic change.

Making systemic change 

Gender identity discrimination is a deeply rooted systemic issue requiring collective action. Entrenched gender norms and systemic inequalities create power imbalances, disproportionately affecting women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and gender-diverse communities. Selfhood is committed to addressing these dynamics through public campaigning and movement building. We train activists to campaign for gender liberation.

Wherever you are—at home, in schools, or at work—you have the power to challenge and transform oppressive systems and norms. We provide training and support to empower individuals to become agents of change for gender liberation, alongside delivering hard-hitting campaigns designed to make a substantial impact.